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Collect Call 5 Collectors Talk

What: Collect Call 5 Collectors Talk

With:  Kathryn Hanna, Herman J. Milligan, Jr. Ph.D. and Jim Rustad & Kay Thomas 

When:  June 22, 11am to 1pm

On Saturday June 22nd, also the last day of the exhibition, participating collectors will share their stories and the inspirations behind their collections. Join us from 11am to 1pm and get inspired!

Collect Call 5 is the fifth iteration of our exhibition series in which we invite Minnesota collectors to share a portion of their collection with the public, allowing them to share works signifying a lifelong commitment to the arts and the artists that have ignited their passion for collecting

Collect Call 5 Participating Collectors include Mark Addicks & Tom Hoch, Grant Amadio & Dooglas Escobar-Moran, Tom Arneson, Benjamin Brown, Bruce Dachis, Kathryn Hanna, Amanda Luke & Leo Alberti, Carrie McCabe-Johnston & Jasha Johnston, Herman J. Milligan, Jr. Ph.D. & Constance Osterbaan-Milligan Ph.D., Daniel Romero, Jim Rustad & Kay Thomas, Amy & Mark Spencer and Eric & Heather Wulfsberg.

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