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Ekphrastic 3.0

Closing Reception:

Friday, September 7th, 7-9PM

Show Runs:

July 11 – August 25, 2018

EKPHRASTIC 3.0 is the third iteration of an experiment in collaborative multi-panel storytelling, facilitated by artist Megan Vossler. Over the course of five weeks, thirty-eight participating artists will stop by SooVAC to draw onsite, as the drawings are completed they will be displayed on the walls in an exquisite corpse style narrative. The drawing begins July 11th.

EKPHRASTIC 3.0 Contributing Artists: Kelly Abeln, Alyssa Baguss, Michael Brewer Carina, Tara Costello, Kendall Dickinson, Christi Furnas, Mary Gibney, Ruthann Godollei, Paige Guggemos, Christopher E. Harrison, Sherry Muyuan He, Noah Heil, Sophia Hill, Lindsay Hillenberg, Kathranne Knight, Ann E. Lawton, David Lefkowitz, Erik Lervold, Marlys Manville, Alex Mitchell, Niky Motekallem, Terrence Payne, Sam Peck, Alex M. Petersen, Sidney Petersen, Jade Townsend, Christopher Tradowsky, Jenny Schmid, Caitlin Skaalrud, Joe Sinness, Carolyn Swiszcz, Alanna Stapleton, Andy Sturdevant, Tessa Sutton, Emma Thole, Angie Vogt, and Chris Willcox

The final week of the exhibition, writers Ruth Gila Berger, Clair Dunlap, Michael Kleber-Diggs and Anna George Meek will visit the completed drawing and create short narrative responses -- hence, the title EKPHRASTIC. (Ekphrasis = Greek term for the interpretation, description, or amplification of an existing artwork in one medium, by using another medium. For example, a drawing of a story, or a story about a drawing.)

Each week the artists have a thematic prompt with the overall theme of EVERYTHING IS GREAT AND IT’S ONLY GETTING BETTER! Week 1: Dance like no one is watching, Week 2: Life Hack, Week 3: #gratitude, Week 4: Humblebrag, Week 5: YOLO.

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